Anorectal Abscess

An anal abscess is an infected cavity filled with pus found near the anus. Acute infection of the anal gland lead to an anorectal abscess. Anal gland lies between the two muscles around the anal canal. This infection may spread upwards or downwards and come out through the area of least resistance forming an abscess.

Complaints: Patient complaints of a perianal swelling with pain which may or may not be associated with bowel movements. Patient may have associated mild to moderate fever. Anal pain may be dull or throbbing.  There may be associated difficulty in passing urine or constipation. In spontaneous rupture of abscess there may be purulent pus discharge.

Diagnosis: Digital examination to confirm diagnosis. There may be redness of the skin over the swelling with warmth. In patients with minimum findings MRI of the perianal area is the investigation of choice.

Types of Anorectal abscess:

  • Perinal abscess
  • Ischioanal abscess
  • Intersphincteric abscess
  • Supralevator abscess

Treatment: Management of anorectal abscess is surgical treatment i.e. Incision and Drainage.

Following surgical treatment of Anorectal abscess, a close follow up is required as up to 30 – 40 % of the cases can progress to develop a fistula in ano.


If the patient has painful swelling in the perianal area or throbbing pain per anus with fever, it indicates he or she may have perianal abscess.
A specialist in the field of anorectal diseases.
Incision and drainage of the perianal abscess.

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