Fistula in ano is a localized chronic infection that is characterized by intermittent pain and pus discharge through an opening around the anal area or from the anal opening. It is caused by the chronic infection of the anal gland.

Complaints: Patient complaints of a recurrent boil in the anal area which discharges pus. It may also present as an opening around the anal area or pus discharge from the anal area. It may also present following chronic fissure in ano.
Diagnosis: It is diagnosed with per rectal examination. MRI of the perianal area is also a mode of investigation.
Treatment: The aim of the treatment is to eradicate the disease without causing anal incontinence. It is treated by Surgical management.
The type of surgery is based on the classification of fistula.
Classification of fistula in ano
- Parks classification
- Inter sphincteric fistula in ano
- Trans phincteric fistula in ano
- Supra sphincteric fistula in ano
- Extra sphincteric fistula in ano
When patient complaints of a recurrent boil or an opening around the anus with pus discharge. Patients may also complain of pus discharge from the anus. There may be intermittent pain.