The term pilonidal sinus is coined from the latin word i.e. pilus: hair and nidus : nest. Pilonidal sinus is an opening in the sacro-coccygeal region which usually contains hair. It commonly occurs in the young age group between 20-35 years. It is most commonly seen in people whose work require them to sit for long hours. Acute presentation is of pilonidal abscess and the recurrently it develops as chronic sinus with discharge.

Complaints: In acute cases, patients may present with a painful swelling in the back with mild fever which may burst and drain the pus. Following discharge of pus, the patient may feel relieved of his pain. However, it recurs again and the cycle repeats. Patients may also have discomfort while sitting or sleeping on their backs.
Diagnosis: Midline post anal opening or a series of opening may be seen discharging pus or may contain hair projecting from it.
Treatment: surgical treatment is the only mode of treatment.
The various methods are:
- Complete excision of the sinus with simple laying open of the tract.
- Excision of the sinus with primary closure.
- Excision of the sinus with flap closure.
When a patient has a painful swelling in the back just above the buttocks. There may also be an opening with hair projecting from it.
A specialist in the field of anorectal diseases
Yes, surgical treatment is needed to treat pilonidal sinus. There are various procedures for the same.